Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ashley Bennett Photography

I had my friend Ashely Bennett take Kendall's pictures. She is starting a new photography business. She did a great job! If you are looking for someone to take pictures you should give her a call.. you can access her blog from mine. Kendall was pretty good for the most part, she was not a real big fan of being naked, but can you blame her?


Jani said...

Morgan, Those turned out so cute! What a doll. Hope you are having the time of you life.

Chad, Krissie, Sotera & Slade said...

Oh my Morgan, you are going to have to lock her up for sure when she gets older!! She is just too cute!! What a beautiful job the two of you did!! Just love her to pieces!! The time goes so fast & pretty soon she will be a sassy five year old!! And you'll look back on those days when they would just snuggle (quietly) on your chest!!! Too cute for sure!! love her!!! Congrats again!!