Sunday, February 15, 2009

25 Random Things

I was tagged to list 25 random things about myself...

1. I have been to Disneyland when it was closed to the public.
2. I don't like wrinkled clothes.
3. My sister, brother and I are all the same age from August 7th to September 4th
4. I hate the sound of dogs licking themselves.
5. I prefer to use soap over body wash
6. I have only kissed one boy
7. I got voted funniest laugh in the 8th grade
8. I have never broken a bone.
9. I would love to meet Kenny Chesney
10. I don't like to drink rootbeer, but I like rootbeer flavored candies
11. I love the way trees look after it has been really fogging and cold
12. I love Old Navy
13. I hate to drive in the snow
14. I love to listen to babies laugh
15. The thought of the Easter Bunny or Santa being in my house use to make me so nervous that I would get sick.
16. I could have sworn that I saw the Tooth Fairy.
17. I do not care for piggy tails on adults
18. I love to shop
19. I have a whole drawer full of hair products, but I only use a handful of them.
20. If I find a shirt or something that I really like, I usually buy it in more then one color.
21. I have been with my husband since I was 15.
22. I have to wear socks to bed in the winter time.
23. When I get home from work I put on comfy clothes.
24. I love it when my dog Zoey runs around the house for no reason.
25. I am not good with directions... Shad says that I could get lost in a shoe box.

I tag anyone that wants to do this...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Shad!!!!

Today is Shad's 30th Birthday!!

Happy Birthday babe!! I love you!

Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Southern Caribbean Cruise

Shad and I just got back from our cruise. We had such a great time. We flew out early Friday morning. We stayed one night in San Juan, Puerto Rico. On Saturday we went and walked around Old San Juan. It was really fun. There is tons of little shops. We went and toured a old fort it was called Castillo San Cristobal. It was built as early as 1539 by the Spaniards as part of a defensive system. Then we got on our ship and it was time to relax and enjoy the warm weather!

Old San Juan

Streets of Old San Juan


Shad and I at the fort.

Shad hiking up all of the stairs at the fort.

Welcome Aboard the Celebrity Summit.
January 24th-31st

First Stop... Philipsburg, St Maarten

St Maarten was beautiful. There was tons of shopping there. Believe it or not I did not spend very much money shopping =). We shopped for a few hours and then we went to the beach. The beach had nice white sand and the water was not to cold. Shad's favorite part was a lady tanning on the beach without her top!

Water taxi.

Shad and I on the water taxi

The beach at St Maarten

Next... Roseau, Dominica

In Dominica we toured the island. On the tour we went to the Botanical Gardens, Sulpher Springs, and Trafalger Falls. The tour was about 3 hours long. It was so pretty their. It is a rain forest so everything was so green and beautiful. On the tour you had to walk about 10 minutes to see the Trafalger Falls. They call them the Mama and Papa waterfalls. It was pouring rain and people were wearing ponchos and had umbrellas. Shad and I did not take either of those so we were soaked, but it was still fun! What do you expect in a rain forest, right?

Picture of Dominica from the ship

this is a bus that got smashed by a tree in a hurricane... don't worry no one was in the bus at the time.

a banana tree

Look close you can see a crab. Our bus driver could spot them from miles away. He said they eat them.

Getting soaked in the rain forest

Sulpher Spring

Our tour guide, Moses.

Next Stop St. George's, Grenada
"spice island"
In Grenada we really did not do much. We went and walked through the town, bought some spices and that is about it. We did walk through this tunnel and it was a little scary because it was pretty narrow and the people would honk at you when they drove by.

Sendal Tunnel

Next Stop.. Kralendijk, Bonaire

In Bonaire we went to the beach. It was so pretty and had the best sand. You could walk out for miles and it only went up to your hip. There were tons of people wind surfing. On the island there are more flamingos then humans. We saw tons of flamingos, but I did not get a picture of them.

I had fun writing in the sand =)

Next and final stop... Oranjestad, Aruba

We had such a great time in Aruba. We took a tour of the island on a "Party Bus". The bus had a DJ in the back so they played loud music as we toured the island. The bus driver was crazy!

We hiked up this rock formation


California Light House


Largest cactus on the island

Senor Frogs Aruba!!
We went to Senor Frogs after touring the island. It was crazy there. Shad and I were sitting there and all of the sudden the music changes and the waiters and waitress all start to hoot and haller and then they throw a sombrero on your head, throw your head back and start pouring alcohol down your throat! I was nervous that they were going to do it to me, but luckily they only did it to Shad =)

these were on the ceiling

Shad getting the alcohol poured down his throat.

They made us balloon hats!!

We met some great people on the ship. We shared a table with two other couples and we had some good laughs with them...

Jimmy and Vickie

Allen and Maureen

Well we had a great time, but we were ready to come home..
Sorry such a long post, just wanted to share all of our pics!